Tony Farha, also known as Anton Farha, fullstack developer from Hamburg, Germany

Tony Farha

Fullstack Developer


Hamburg, Germany

React WP Shortcode App (wip)

React WP Shortcode App is an extended version of the React WP Shortcode Boilerplate plugin. It enables easy integration and rendering of a React application within any post or page through a straightforward shortcode. Built on @wordpress/scripts, it offers a streamlined development and build workflow perfect for custom projects.



Ensure you have Node.js and npm installed on your machine.

  1. Download the Plugin: Download the ZIP file of this plugin and extract it to your WordPress plugin directory (wp-content/plugins/react-wp-shortcode-app).

  2. Install Dependencies: Navigate to the plugin's root directory in a terminal and run npm install to install the required dependencies.

  3. Build for Production: Run npm run build to compile and optimize your React app for production use.

  4. Activate the Plugin: Navigate to the "Plugins" menu in your WordPress admin area. Find "React WP Shortcode App" in the list and click "Activate".


To use the plugin, simply add the following shortcode to the content of any post or page where you want your React app to appear:


Or you can optionally specify an ID attribute for the root element of your React app and an app name attribute to load a specific React app:

[react_wp_shortcode_app id="my-react-app" app="Counter"]

By default, when no app name is specified, the plugin will load the HelloWorld component from the src/Apps/HelloWorld/App.jsx file.



Ensure you have Node.js and npm installed on your development machine.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the Plugin: Clone this repository into your WordPress plugin directory.

  2. Install Dependencies: Navigate to the plugin's root directory in a terminal and run npm install to install the required dependencies.

  3. Start Development: Run npm start to start the development server. This command watches for any changes in your src directory and automatically rebuilds your app.

  4. Build for Production: Run npm run build to compile and optimize your React app for production use.


You can customize the React app by editing the files in the src folder. After making changes, remember to run npm run build to compile your changes.

Add Your Own Apps

To create a new React app, follow these steps:

  1. Run the script below, replacing [AppName] with the desired name for your app:
npm run generate-app [AppName]
  1. To load your newly created React app, use the following shortcode, replacing [AppName] with the name of your app:
[react_wp_shortcode_app app="[AppName]"]