Tony Farha, also known as Anton Farha, fullstack developer from Hamburg, Germany

Tony Farha

Fullstack Developer


Hamburg, Germany

Easy Clipboard

Easy Clipboard is a lightweight, real-time clipboard-sharing app. It allows users to share text between multiple browsers instantly.


  • Real-Time Sharing: Share text instantly between multiple clients in real time.
  • No Data Storage: All data is handled in memory, ensuring nothing is stored permanently.
  • Unique Session IDs: Each session generates a unique ID, so users can easily access their shared clipboard on different devices.
  • Powered: Enables instant, bi-directional communication between clients.

Getting Started


Before you begin, make sure you have the following prerequisites installed on your system:

  • Node.js
  • npm


  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.
  2. Navigate into the project root directory: bash cd easy-clipboard
  3. Install the root dependencies: bash npm install
  4. Go to the backend directory and install dependencies: bash cd backend npm install
  5. Go to the frontend directory and install dependencies: bash cd ../frontend npm install
  6. Duplicate the .env.example to .env in both the frontend and backend directories and configure variables as needed: bash cp .env.example .env Update any environment variables in the .env file to match your setup.

  7. Return to the root directory and start the development server: bash cd .. npm run dev
  8. Open the URL shown in the terminal to access the app.

How It Works

  • When a user opens Easy Clipboard, a unique session ID is generated.
  • Text shared in the clipboard is sent to all clients connected to the same session via
  • Since everything happens in memory, closing the app or disconnecting will clear all data.